Event Description
When: August 15th, 12:00pm – 1:00pm PT
Where: Zoom (https://echo.zoom.us/j/99475693462?pwd=NGlaMjBrNHZkclBOSXRySHNHMzB4Zz09)
Description: We invite you to join Indian Country ECHO in partnership with the IHS Maternal Child Health Program and HOPE Committee, for a Grand Rounds focused on best practice prenatal and postpartum care for American Indian and Alaska Native people experiencing substance use disorders (SUDs). In this series of presentations, CDR Molly Rutledge from Southcentral Foundation will share a case and the story of how their facility chooses to support pregnant and parenting people experiencing SUDs. Then, Dr. Michelle Debbink and Dr. Andrew Hsi will highlight best practices for initiating SUD treatment. Finally, Dr. Tina Pattara-Lau, Maternal and Child Health consultant for the IHS, will share a national overview and provide upcoming opportunities for I/T/U clinics.
The one-hour Grand Rounds session includes an opportunity to engage in a didactic presentation, gain insight on how I/T/U facilities may effectively support pregnant and parenting people experiencing SUDs, become part of a learning community and join a Substance Use Disorder ECHO and a new Pregnancy Care ECHO program.
Speaker(s): Molly Rutledge, MA, MS | Michelle Debbink, MD, PhD | Andrew Hsi, MD, MPH | Tina Pattara-Lau, MD, FACOG
To Learn More: https://www.indiancountryecho.org/program/grand-rounds/